
Lectures on topics of music and arts management

Selected dates from the lecture series »Markets, Institutions, Business Models«, »Kultur Aktuell« and »Learning from Leaders« of the Master degree course in Arts and Music Management are open to all students of our university. These lectures offer the opportunity to get to know players and institutions of the German culture and music market in person, to learn about current issues and problems in cultural policy and thus to better understand the interrelationships in the market.

Please register for the lectures in advance by emailing career.center@hmtm.de.

Unless otherwise stated, the lectures will take place online. You will receive the dial-in details after registration.

Dates and speakers in the summer semester 2023 will be published soon.

So far, guests have included Elisabeth Sobotka (artistic director of the Bregenz Festival), Louwrens Langevoort (artistic director of the Kölner Philharmonie) and Andreas Beck (artistic director of the Munich Residenztheater). There were also talks on the topic of artificial intelligence in the music industry, including Prof. Francisco Tigre Moura (IUBH – MusicStats) and Markus Schwarzer (founder and CEO Cyanite).