Quality dimensions

The quality management system of University of Music and Theatre can be structured via four quality dimensions, which in principle target all fields of action of the university. These fields of action include aspects that are relevant to management and influence the quality of teaching and studies: Conceptual quality, structural quality, process quality and quality of results.

Conceptual quality

The dimension of conceptual quality is a fundamental reference point of the internal quality management system through the university’s mission statement. The objectives of the mission statement were specified in the understanding of quality and through the elaboration of operational parameters in the university strategy. The operational parameters influence and determine the quality dimensions of structural quality, process quality and quality of results.

Structural quality

Structural quality is determined by the dimension of resources and is thus to be seen in the mirror of the number, but above all the qualification of those who occupy a position in the network of responsibilities within the university. In this context, measures for personnel recruitment, personnel development and qualification at all levels of the university’s activities (including university didactic offers) play an important role. Transparent procedures for the recruitment of new teachers are an important component of this quality dimension.
The poor condition of significant parts of the buildings infrastructure is another element of structural quality. This condition will continue to accompany the university in the next few years, but comprehensive construction measures are planned, the focus of which is the general renovation of the main building in Arcisstraße as well as the general renovation of the Kulturzentrum Gasteig, in which the University of Music and Theatre uses rooms for various degree courses. In the context of the structural quality dimension, the element of buildings infrastructure can only be partially controlled independently by the university.

Process quality

Process integration is a central instrument of the internal quality management system. Process descriptions serve transparency, contain binding procedures and name the actors involved in the processes (and recommend deadlines, if necessary) in order to ensure planning security and a goal-focused approach with regard to implementation. The focus is on the description of so-called core processes: the establishment, the review (evaluation and internal [re]accreditation), the further development and the discontinuation of a degree course. The core process of implementing a degree course primarily focuses on the service or administrative perspective.
The process quality dimension focuses on the „how”: the way something is done or implemented. Due to the relevance of this quality dimension for the quality management system, the further development of the quality management system is closely linked to the further development of processes.

Quality of results

The interface between process quality and quality of results is close, because the quality of a result depends to a not insignificant extent on the quality of the process. At the same time, the quality of the result also indicates the quality of the process.
Reports and figures provide information about the quality of results. They create transparency internally and externally and provide an overview of the university’s performance. They also serve the university administration as a basis for planning and strategic control. Annual reports summarising the course evaluations of the assigned degree courses are prepared for each institute for internal use. Results from graduation surveys, alumni surveys and retention studies can provide concrete indications of the extent to which intended goals have been achieved and where potential for improvement can be identified.