At the Institute for Music Education, our students receive intensive and practical training that enables them to teach instrumental or singing lessons. Teaching small (instrumental) groups up to large ensembles or other learning groups is also part of the training content.
The Institute for Music Education is home to the following areas:
In Bachelor degree courses with a teaching profile, our students are trained both for artistic work and for instrumental or singing lessons, e.g. at music schools or as private teachers. Through close cooperation with various music schools, there are many opportunities for students to gain their first important teaching experience through internships or as substitutes.
Information on the degree courses (and the possible instruments or vocal studies) can be found in our degree course options.
In the Elemental Music Education degree course, our students develop the ability to teach action-oriented and creative learning processes with different age and target groups in vocal studies or in the instrumental main subject. At the centre is a strong methodological-didactic training. This enables our students to set different content emphases on a pedagogical as well as on an artistic level, depending on the field of work and context.
Further information here:
Elemental Music Education (EMP, in German)
Information on the Bachelor degree course
In the degree course Folk Music at our university, the focus is on the alpine folk music tradition, expanded by the view of other, also non-European music traditions. The education of our students includes ensemble playing, dancing and singing (both in their own practice and in teaching). The degree course can be studied with various instruments as the main subject.
Information on the degree course (and the possible instruments) can be found in our degree course options.
In the two Master degree courses Instrumental and Vocal Music Education, our students can choose from three profiles: specialist counselling, ensemble management and media competence. In all three profiles, they deepen the skills and knowledge acquired in the Bachelor degree course and qualify for leadership functions, special tasks at music schools and for work assignments in cultural life, for example. After graduation, they have a high level of artistic aptitude, mature music education and music mediating skills as well as competences in scientifically sound research methods. The design of the degree courses takes into account the fact that the professional profile of music teachers has evolved over the past decades: Today, teachers are increasingly mentoring partners in teaching-learning relationships.
All information on the degree courses (including the possible instruments) can be found here:
Master Instrumental Music Education
Master Vocal Music Education
Further information and downloads:
Instrumental and Vocal Music Education (IGP)
The Institute for Music Education is also home to the Bachelor and Master degree courses with a performance profile in the instruments Accordion, Dulcimer and Zither. The aim of these degree courses is professional training on the instrument with a focus on personal artistic development. Well-founded interpretation skills and a high degree of differentiation and expression, creativity and open-mindedness for new developments are stimulated and encouraged.
Information on the degree courses can be found in our search for degree course options under the respective instrument.
Prof. Georg Glasl, Stephanie Hamburger, Prof. Dr. Andrea Sangiorgio, Prof. Birgit Stolzenburg- de Biasio
Prof. Dr. Andrea Sangiorgio