
Our students have the opportunity to get involved in various ways, to initiate changes and to have a say in the development of our university.

Whether in the Student Council, the Faculty Student Council, the Student Grants Committee, the Senate or simply by participating in the university elections or the biannual evaluation – your opinion counts!

  • Student Council (Stuve)

    As student representatives, we represent the concerns and interests of all students. We do this, for example, in regular discussions with the university administration or by working on committees such as the library committee or the scholarship allocation committee.

    The students’ opinion is sought during trial teaching sessions to fill positions. This means we can help decide who gets a professorship at our university. In doing so, we also enlist the help of committed students in the relevant subjects.

    We try to eliminate communication problems between the different university groups and strive to create as pleasant a study atmosphere as possible. We work together with the tutors to familiarise new and especially international students with the university.

    We work closely with our representation in the Senate and the University Council, as well as with the Study Grant Committee, in order to make the best possible use of the money from study grants. We maintain contact with the Faculty Student Councils through meetings in the Student Convention, which we usually schedule once a semester. At the same time, we network with the Student Councils of other universities.

    In addition, we have been organising our university’s legendary carnival concerts for over 40 years, which take place every year on Carnival Sunday, Rose Monday and Carnival Tuesday at 7:19 PM. The carnival concerts are sold out in no time every year. We also organise various celebrations: the semester opening party, the carnival party and the university’s big summer party. But a lot of things also happen in passing.

    In order to represent you well, get in touch with us with your questions, suggestions and ideas. We are here for you:

    Johannes Lamprecht
    Julia Pfänder
    Milena Schex
    Salomo Michelfeit
    Simon Bauer
    Felix Starzonek
    Aaron Voderholzer

    Tel. +49 89 289-27480
    Office hours: by appointment (Office A132)

    You can find the bylaws of the Student Council here (in German).

  • Faculty Student Council

    At every institute or academy of our university, students can organise themselves into a Faculty Student Council. The Faculty Student Councils often work closely with the institutes directors and also play an important role in the quality management of our university.

  • Students in the Senate and University Council

    According to our university’s statutes, students have a say in the two highest bodies: the Senate and the University Council.

    The student representatives are elected every two years in the university elections.

    The current student representatives in the Senate and the University Council are:

    • Johannes Lamprecht
    • Julia Pfänder
  • Study Grant Committee

    In the Free State of Bavaria, every university is allocated study grants that must benefit various projects for students. Therefore, students have an important say in the use of these funds.

    The members of the Study Grant Commission are also elected every two years during the university elections.

    Current members are:

    Selma Pleßke
    Lukas Scheurer
    Laure Cazin
    Christopher Steinbügl
    Salome Ryser

  • University elections

    Every person who studies with us is entitled to vote in the general university elections. They can put themselves up for election and vote for other people.

    In the university elections, students elect the members of the following bodies every two years:

    • Student Council (5 students as well as the student representatives in the Senate)
    • Senate representation (2 students)
    • Study Grant Commission (5 students plus one person appointed by the Student Council)

    University elections take place every two years.

  • Evaluation and quality

    Evaluation is the collection, analysis and interpretation of data. It can serve to broaden knowledge, to observe or control and to further develop offers, measures, programmes, etc.. Not only must data be collected in a meaningful way, it must also be checked whether the collected data adequately represent the object they examine. Data can and must therefore be generated in different ways to be appropriate to the purpose and subject of review. Besides the very common standardised, quantitative data collection (questionnaires), there are numerous other ways of generating data that can and must be considered depending on the goal and purpose.


    The collection and evaluation of information on student satisfaction with courses, degree courses, the organisation of examinations or, especially in music universities, important surrounding conditions such as practice opportunities or individually designed study options, are partly prescribed for universities in order to obtain the necessary accreditations for their degree courses or for the university. However, this information should not only serve this purpose, but also contribute to developments, changes or serve as a basis for maintaining proven structures. The results of data surveys of students must be perceived and discussed for this purpose. Where it seems necessary, sensible or possible, appropriate measures should be derived from the student survey.

    Overall, the various evaluations are intended to contribute to the conversation about quality in teaching, about what constitutes good teaching at a music university. The exchange about the expectations of students and teachers towards each other should be strengthened.

    Difficulties and particularities at a music university

    The requirements for quantitative surveys in particular within the framework of student surveys, the implementation, evaluation and usability of the collected data are based on the experience of research universities and universities of applied sciences. As a rule, quantitative surveys require a large number of participants in order to prevent distortions caused by individual, divergent assessments. In music universities, the number of participants in surveys, as is common in research universities and universities of applied sciences, is not achievable. Nevertheless, data can also be collected and meaningfully analysed here, and students can also be interviewed in this way, although the narrower limits of the producibility and the informative value of data from very small groups must be taken into account.

    Above all, the requirement for anonymity is much more difficult to fulfil at a small, specialised university with few students in the individual degree courses than at research universities and universities of applied sciences.

    Frequency, appropriateness

    A degree courses is made up of many individual blocks which, when well coordinated, each contribute to success – a good course leads to passing exams, good supervision leads to successful Bachelor’s and Master’s theses, good teaching leads to confidence in the subject, and so on. To have each of these blocks evaluated by all students would lead to a continuous survey. Evaluation must be used sensibly and in a measured way to prevent overstimulation and thus indifference.


    Results of evaluations are obtained at different levels, seminar level, module level, degree course level or university level. In addition, evaluations can generate results for subject-specific courses or for a specific student group (class of a teacher). The results should then be interpreted and discussed at this level. In addition, the results can be opened up to further discussion at a higher level of aggregation. Results of individual evaluations as well as an overview report are published regularly or as they arise in the university.

  • Office of the Dean of Studies

    The Office of the Dean of Studies at our university is staffed by two professors. Among other things, they are the contact point for students with problems in the course of their studies and with regard to perceived deficiencies in the quality of teaching. In this situation, it is one of the tasks of the Dean of Studies to hold talks with the relevant teaching colleagues if necessary and to clarify the respective problems.

    The Office of the Dean of Studies is also in contact with the Faculty Student Councils. The Dean of Studies is also responsible for the evaluation of teaching, including student evaluations.


    Dean of Studies Prof. Mi-kyung Lee

    Phone: +49 173 630 8691

    Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Andrea Sangiorgio
    Room L 212 – Luisenstraße 37a

    Phone: +49 89 289-27869

    Office hours:
    Wednesdays: 1:00 – 2:00 PM (by appointment by mail or telephone)