Ballet Academy

Institute 2

The Ballet Academy of our university is the only state training institute for professional stage dance in Bavaria and has been directed by Prof. Jan Broeckx since 2010. Every year, between 40 and 50 students in the Bachelor degree course Dance (spread over three years) train in the buildings in Wilhelmstraße in Munich, as well as around 70 junior students who pursue their special talent in Ballet while still at school. The starting point of the training is the Waganowa method.

In addition, the students study national dance, contemporary dance styles, choreography, dance history and dance medicine and showcase their knowledge in numerous stage practice projects. Since October 2020, the Ballet Academy’s pedagogical concept, which focuses on the holistic perception of the young dancers, has formed the binding basis of all training work.

As a cooperation between the Ballet Academy, the Bayerisches Staatsballett (Bavarian State Ballet) and the Heinz-Bosl-Stiftung (Heinz Bosl Foundation), the Bavarian Junior Ballet Munich (formerly Junior Company) is the important intersection to work in a professional company.

Further information (in German) can be found on the website of the Ballet Academy:


Prof. Jan Broeckx, Simone Geiger-Liebreich, Prof. Mark Pogolski, Prof. Olivier Vercoutère

Institute Director:

Prof. Jan Broeckx

Contact Ballet Academy

Kay Krosdorf


Contact Director of the Institute

Prof. Jan Broeckx


Representative for the Ballet Academy

Andrea Sangiorgio

Prof. Dr. phil. Andrea Sangiorgio
