At our university, there is no tolerance for assaultive and discriminatory behaviour, harassment, sexualised violence or abuse of power. Various internal and external contact persons are available to advise and support affected students, lecturers and employees in administration and central facilities.
You are studying or working at the HMTM and have experienced something you feel uncomfortable with? This is how you get help: Infographic Complaints Channels
(Available around the clock)
Police emergency number
Tel.: 110
Emergency doctor
Tel.: 112
Suicide helpline
Tel.: 0800 891 73 91
Notruf des Krisendienstes Psychiatrie Oberbayern
(Emergency hotline of the Bavarian Psychiatry Crisis Service)
First point of contact in acute crisis situations with suicide risk, free counselling, mobile outreach team for personal support if needed.
Tel.: 0800 655 3000, Available around the clock
Website (in German):
The Violence against women support hotline
Counselling in 17 languages and sign language.
Tel.: 08000 116 016
Münchner Notfallambulanz für Opfer häuslicher Gewalt
(Munich Emergency Outpatient Clinic for Victims of Domestic Violence)
Free examination, evidence collection and counselling for victims of domestic violence, independent of police reporting.
Tel.: 089 218 073 011 (available all day from Monday to Friday)
Our university offers all members of the university support in conflict situations. The group of confidants expands the internal and free help offered by our university by providing the opportunity to hold confidential discussions with people from the student body, administration and teaching.
With what concerns or problems can I turn to the confidants?
What are the tasks of the confidants?
Will my request be treated confidentially?
Yes! The confidants have undertaken to guarantee confidentiality. If you have been the victim of a crime, you will not be pressured by the confidants to do anything you do not want to do (for example, to report the crime to the police).
However, the following should be noted: If you decide to file a complaint and an investigation is initiated, the confidants do not have the right to refuse to testify. Unlike doctors or lawyers, for example, the confidants would have to testify as witnesses in this case.
Who are the confidants?
The group of confidants consists of teachers, administrative staff and students. The confidants make themselves available voluntarily as discussion partners. They have been trained by experts in the basics of communication, sensitive conversation and in dealing professionally with conflicts.
A List of the confidants can be found on the German website.
Within the university, affected university members can contact the Representative for anti-discrimination and against anti-semitism, the Women’s Representative, the Equal Opportunities Representative, the Office of the Dean of Studies or the Student Council. All information will be treated confidentially. No steps will be taken without the consent of the persons concerned.
Representative for anti-discrimination and against anti-semitism:
Dr. Tobias Reichard
Women’s Representative (for students and lecturers):
Prof. Dorte-Lena Eilers, Prof. Lena Neudauer (deputy), Prof. Andreas Puhani (deputy)
Equal Opportunities Representative (for employees in administration/central facilities):
Lilli Jordan and Anita Pongratz
Dean of Studies:
Prof. Mi-kyung Lee and Prof. Dr Andrea Sangiorgio
Student Council of the University of Music and Theatre Munich:
Representative for Students with Disabilities:
Prof. Andreas Puhani
Initial psychological advice for university members (external ombudsperson’s office)
University members affected can obtain anonymous psychological advice here in cases of violence and sexual assault. The costs for the initial legal consultation are covered by the University of Music and Theatre Munich.
Dr. Giulietta Tibone, Psychologist (counselling in English, Italian, French and German)
Tel: +49 171-8303097
Beratungsstelle Frauennotruf München (external ombudsperson’s office)
(Counselling Centre Women’s Emergency Hotline Munich)
Psychosocial counselling centre and crisis line for women* in cases of sexual assault and violence; free of charge and anonymous; online counselling and counselling in sign language are also offered.
The counselling centre includes all persons who identify as women.
Contact: Ms Sabrina Courtial, qualified psychologist and psychological psychotherapist
Tel.: 089 763737 (Mon-Fri: 10:00 AM-1:00 PM and 3:00-9:00 PM)
Online counselling:
Initial legal advice for university members (external ombudsperson’s office)
University members affected can obtain anonymous legal advice here in cases of violence and sexual assault. The costs for the initial legal consultation are covered by the University of Music and Theatre Munich.
Lawyer: Antje Brandes
Advice from the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern (Student Services)
Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Violence Counselling Centre
Help and counselling services
A comprehensive list of support services in the context of equality and gender diversity (e.g. violence protection outpatient clinic, assistance with criminal proceedings, women’s shelters) can also be found here (in German):
BEFORE – Consultation and support for people confronted by discrimination, racism and right-wing violence
Victim counselling; free of charge, confidential and independent of state authorities. Work both on their own premises and on an outreach basis.
Mathildenstraße 3c
80336 Munich
Tel.: 089 462 24 67-0
KIBS- Kontakt-, Informations- und Beratungsstelle für Jungen* und junge Männer*, die von sexualisierter Gewalt und/oder häuslicher Gewalt betroffen sind
(KIBS – Contact, Information and Counselling Centre for Boys* and Young Men* Affected by Sexualised Violence and/or Domestic Violence)
Free of charge, barrier-free access to premises, for young men* up to 27 years.
Child Protection Munich
Landwehrstraße 34
80336 Munich
Tel.: 089 2317169120
Website (in German):
Strong! – LGBTIQ* Fachstelle gegen Diskriminierung und Gewalt
(Strong! – LGBTIQ* Centre against Discrimination and Violence)
Support, information and free counselling via chat or help line for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, inter* and queer people who have experienced violence or discrimination.
Tel.: 089 856346427
Website (in German):
Trans*Inter*Beratungsstelle für trans*, inter* und queere Menschen
(Trans*Inter*Counselling Centre) for trans*, inter* and queer people
Free consultations, barrier-free access also in German, English and easy language.
Lindwurmstrasse 71
80337 Munich
Tel.: 089 54333130
»B4U« Bridge for you – Begleitung und Unterstützung von Menschen mit Flucht- und Migrationshintergrund
(Accompanying and supporting people with a refugee and migration background)
A service offered by the psychological service for foreigners; support and help in finding suitable social and health care services, accompaniment in life crises; team of social pedagogues and psychologists with their own migration background; work in different languages and with an interpreter if required.
Caritas Munich Centre
Bayerstrasse 73
80335 Munich
Contact person: Joanna Stridde
Tel.: 089 23 11 49 41
Open office hours: Mon-Fri 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Bayerstraße 73
Counselling Centre for Students with Disabilities of the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern (Student Services)
Support for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses in all matters relating to the organisation of studies and student life in the broadest sense.
Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern
Beratungszentrum im Olympischen Dorf (Alte Mensa)
Helene-Mayer-Ring 9
80809 Munich
Tel.: 089 38196 1209
DIE ARCHE – Suizidprävention und Hilfe in Lebenskrisen e. V.
(Suicide prevention and help in life crises)
Counselling centre for adults and young people in life crises and suicidal tendencies; crisis intervention and individual counselling by psychologists, social pedagogues and doctors, also counselling for relatives and surviving relatives.
Die Arche e. V.
Saarstrasse 5
80797 Munich
Tel.: 089 33 40 41
Website (in German):
Psychotherapeutic and psychosocial counselling
Free service offered by the Studierendenwerk München; appointments in person as well as by telephone and video, counselling in German, English and French.
Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern (Student Services)
Psychotherapeutic and psychosocial counselling
Alte Mensa, Helene-Mayer-Ring 9
80809 Munich
Tel.: 089 38196 1202 (Mon and Thurs 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM)
SuchtHotline München
(Addiction Hotline)
Telephone counselling for addicts and relatives of people with addictive disorders in Bavaria; information on help options.
Counselling around the clock, also for migrants.
Tel.: 089 28 28 22
You can download our counselling brochure »Respekt« here (PDF, in German).
What is sexual harassment in the workplace?
What can you do about sexual harassment in the workplace?
Additional links:
Find information and support in your area:
With the kind permission of the bff (federal association of rape crisis centres and women’s counselling centres in Germany).
You have not found what you are looking for?
Here you can find further counselling services related to your studies: