Reporting office according to the Whistleblower Protection Act

In implementation of the Act for Better Protection of Whistleblowers (Whistleblower Protection Act) of 31 May 2023, the Bavarian State Government has set up an independent reporting office for all employees of HMTM in teaching and administration, the other five Bavarian art academies and other state cultural institutions.

Employees of HMTM in teaching and administration can report legal violations that they became aware of in connection with their professional activities to this independent office. Violations in the form of acts or omissions against federal or state laws as well as directly applicable EU law in areas in which there is also a public interest in uncovering misconduct can be reported. The reporting employees are protected in a special way by the law.

The reporting office responsible for our university, among others, is:

Internal Reporting Office of the Central Service of the Bavarian State Theatres:
Central Service of the Bavarian State Theatres, Internal Reporting Office
Alter Hof 3, 80803 Munich
Phone: 089-2185-1866

This reporting centre also exists at federal level:

External Reporting Office of the Federal Office of Justice:
Federal Office of Justice, External Reporting Centre of the Federal Government, 53094 Bonn
Phone: 0228-99 410 6644